A series of educational games allowing visitors to understand the Biodome's inner workings.
Client: Montreal Biodome
Art direction (exhibition) and scenographic design: La bande à Paul

The Montreal Biodome closed for almost two years to undergo extensive renovations. The newly redesigned space features a zone called Bio-Machine, an interactive exhibition that helps visitors understand the Biodome’s complex inner workings.
We worked hand in hand with the Biodome’s team to create a series of scientifically accurate games that allow visitors to learn as they play.
Among other things, the games let users take control of each one of the Biodome’s four ecosystems, try to figure out which animals can and can’t live there and why, as well as what their diet consists of.
We also did a 360 underwater shoot that allows visitors to virtually swim with the aquatic animals that inhabit the Gulf of St. Lawrence basin.